Top 5 Reasons Millennial Woman are Making Time for Therapy

While most people still think of therapy as something for people who are “ill,” millennials are starting to realize therapy is also for people who want to stay well. You don’t need a diagnosis or specific experience to trigger a need for therapy. If you want to create and maintain a life filled with beauty and brilliance, you’re in the right place. My therapy focus is on helping millennial women decide that:

  1. They DESERVE to be happy and thrive

  2. They are CAPABLE of thriving 

  3. They have SUPPORT and don’t have to do it alone

If you’re still not sure that therapy will benefit you, read my blog to explore the top 5 reasons millennial women are making time for therapy. 

5 – World & Cultural Concerns

The world is on fire – and I don’t mean that in a good way. I mean that like it’s a dumpster fire out there. I think we can all try to find hope that, sometimes, burning down the forest makes room for newer, healthier growth. Right? Regardless of that seed of hope for the future, right now, is tough. Racism, financial struggles, environmental changes, political turmoil, plummeting employment rates. I mean. Really? Enough’s enough right? It’s no wonder so many women are experiencing elevated stress related to worry or fear about what’s happening outside our doors every day. Therapy can help you process and contextualize these real concerns, so you can enjoy your life even when it feels like the world is working against you.

4 – Unprecedented Levels of Stress

Speaking of elevated stress…can we talk about the unique set of stressors being faced by millennial women? The list of stress-inducing things is so long, but unprecedented levels of student loan debt, difficulty finding employment, the pandemic, politics, family life. It all adds up, and eventually, it’s too much. Did you know the word “stress” is really a physics term? It’s true. Stress is the amount of force or pressure something can endure before it breaks, and everything has a breaking point. Even you. Don’t let stress overwhelm you. Let’s talk about coping strategies, so you can reduce stress and get back to loving life again. 

3 – Career Instability

Raise your hand if you love and feel fulfilled by your job. My hand is up, but I know how lucky I am. Many people finished college filled with hope that they’d land that dream job and start out on their ideal career path. Unfortunately, economic and political issues outside of our control leave many of us settling for jobs we don’t like. We spend most of our time at work, so having a job you don’t love leaves you feeling trapped,  frustrated, or bored. Not to mention the increasing unemployment rates have you afraid you’ll lose this job you didn’t even want to begin with. You’re not alone. Let’s talk about how you can find fulfillment in your current work, look for a more meaningful career, or accept your job will be just a job and you’ll find joy and satisfaction in other areas of your life. 

2 – Expectations VS Reality

Someone smart once said the key to happiness is managing your expectations. Listen, I don’t want you to lower your standards or accept less than you’re worth. What I’m saying is, while you can expect, plan, and hope for any number of things in the future, don’t forget to appreciate and enjoy your reality right now. It’s not always easy to do, and many of us focus so long on what we expect to happen that, when reality doesn’t align with these expectations, we’re disappointed. Therapy can help you celebrate exactly who you are and where you are right now. 

1 – Perfectionism 

You are too hard on yourself. I don’t even need to meet you. I already know it’s a fact. This is the number one struggle that women bring to me. We were all trained that to do more, do it better, and do it faster is how we succeed. So, when we make mistakes or aren’t perfect, it feels like failure. Let me tell you, no one successful every achieved that success without falling on their ass a few times. It’s okay to be imperfect. In fact, it’s okay if you’re a complete damn mess. Let’s change our focus from questions like why do I keep feeling, why am I not as good as this other person, and why am I not perfect? Instead, give yourself some grace, and ask some better questions. What can you learn from this situation? How can you achieve your goals – even if you’re messy? Or, even more importantly, does the small blip of imperfection even matter?

Let’s Talk About It – All of It!

Does some of that sound familiar? We are all juggling a lot! There’s more stuff getting thrown at us on a universal level every day, and that’s before we look at our private lives. It’s no wonder people are experiencing higher levels of anxiety, depression, and other disordered moods. The world is rough right now. Wherever you are and whatever you’re struggling with, let’s talk about it. Most importantly, let’s talk about what your version of the rainbows and sunshine days looks like and how you can get there. Send me a simple contact form, and we’ll get started on the road to your life filled with beauty and brilliance. You deserve it. You’re capable of achieving it, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.


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