4 Questions that Could Transform Your Relationships

People in relationships are constantly asking each other questions. What should we eat for dinner? When do we need to leave to make the appointment on time? How many video calls do you have today? We ask and answer questions, constantly, but there are some questions we would love to ask but typically never do. In this blog, we talk about four important questions that often go unasked and unanswered in relationships and how you can transform your partnership by asking and answering these questions. 

Are You Happy to See Me? 

Remember when you first met your significant other? When they walked in the room, it was like the whole world got brighter. Your face would light up with a smile. You were so happy to see  them. Did that stop at some point? Do you even look up when they enter the room? Do they greet you with a warm smile? You should surround yourself with people who are happy to see you and who you’re just as happy to see. If you’re no longer happy to see your partner or they’re not happy to see you, it’s time to talk about it. 

Are You Grateful for Our Relationship?

In many cases, no longer being happy to see your partner stems from a lack of gratitude. When we remember how grateful we are to each other and express that gratitude, it’s easy to share a warm smile and kind word when you see them. When the little annoyances and day-to-day struggles overshadow your gratitude, it’s more difficult to greet your loved one with a warm smile. Even if you’re annoyed with your partner, your gratitude should always outweigh any resentment. If you show gratitude and truly feel grateful, arguments will typically be less frequent and more easily resolved. 

Am I Meeting Your Needs? Are You Meeting My Needs? 

When you regularly express happiness and gratitude for your partner and they return these feelings, it’s much easier to have tough conversations about your needs and goals. People are always changing, and if you’re not regularly communicating about how to improve or sustain a healthy relationship, your relationship may be quietly failing. It can be difficult to speak with your loved one about what you need to feel safe, satisfied, and stable in your relationship, but doing so can transform any partnership for the better.

Do You Make Time for Me & Make Me Feel Special? 

Time is one of the greatest gifts we can give to anyone we love. If you’re making sure your partner knows you’re happy to see them, you’re grateful for them, and you’re learning to communicate more openly about your needs, you’re already making time for your relationship. When you take time for your partner, you ensure they know how special they are to you. 

Do You Need to Speak the Unspoken Questions? 

Even if you never ask these questions aloud in your relationships (romantic or otherwise), you should know the answers. In fact, sometimes, the silent answers are the most meaningful. Your loved ones bringing you a favorite treat because they know you’ve had a tough week can tell you even more clearly that they’re happy to be with you and are grateful that you’re here. There are different ways to communicate and show love and support to your loved ones. They are all valid and meaningful. Making a choice to pay attention and be present is the first step toward answering the four questions with a consistent and resounding, “Yes!”

Ready to Transform Your Relationships? Let’s Chat

You hear things like humans are made for relationships all the time, but relationships don’t always come naturally. Whether you want to improve your relationship with a romantic partner, friend, family member, or hey, your relationship with yourself, visiting me for therapy can help. I’m Ashley Pichardo, a licensed mental health counselor. I am dedicated to helping people create meaningful relationships and more fulfilling lives. If you’re interested in learning more, let’s talk


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