Tips for All the Singles on Valentine’s Day

Year-round the media sends us messages about how it’s better to be in a relationship than to be alone, but these messages seem to grow louder the closer it gets to Valentine’s Day. This holiday started as a religious observation dedicated to Saint Valentine who is the patron saint of love, epilepsy, and bees. The man had range! Over time, the religious observance focused more and more on romantic love and relationships. If you’re struggling this Valentine’s Day, the first thing you can do is remember that this holiday was never meant to be only about romantic love. Take some time to explore the other things that Saint Valentine stands for. Learn more about epilepsy, find out how you can support local beekeepers, and remember Valentine’s Day wasn’t always about romantic love. Instead, it was likely about courtly love. This kind of love that was centered in being of service to those you care about. Keep reading for some more tips on how to have a great Valentine’s Day when you’re single. 

1 – Enjoy Being Single! 

This is a big one. It can be difficult, especially If you’re feeling lonely, but take some time to celebrate and express gratitude for the fact that you’re not in a relationship. If you’ve been in bad relationships in the past, give thanks that you’re no longer in these partnerships. If you’ve had good relationships that ended, show gratitude for the gifts of these experiences. Then, just be grateful for the time you have to explore who you are and what you need to be happy as a single person and in relationships. 

2 – Celebrate Your Own Way

When you’re in a relationship, Valentine’s Day has its own set of pressures to go on a nice date or do something that makes a good story or looks good online. You also have to find something that both partners want to do to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and that may not always mean doing your favorite activity. When you’re single on Valentine’s Day, you can do whatever you want! Order in three kinds of take out. Put on a facemask. Sit in the bubble bath with a whole bottle of wine. Go see a cheesy rom-com or a gory horror movie. Celebrate however you want.  

3 – Hang with Friends 

If you don’t want to be alone, hang out with friends and loved ones. This can help you feel less lonely, and it’s a fun way to spend the day. If you have pets, don’t forget to revel in their unconditional love on Valentine’s Day. A good snuggle with your pets will help you feel the love you may be missing. 

4 – Treat Yourself

Even if you’re in a relationship, you don’t have to wait for your loved one to get you that piece of jewelry or bouquet of flowers you’ve been eyeing. Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to celebrate you by treating yourself to a special gift. Go ahead and splurge on something frivolous that will make you smile. 

5 – Talk to a Professional

There are many ways to celebrate single-ness on Valentine’s Day, but if you’re struggling, you don’t have to go through it alone. I’m Ashley Pichardo, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. If you’re having a tough time at Valentine’s Day or all year long, I’m here to support you as you work through difficult experiences, manage confronting emotions, or achieve a goal you have for yourself. When you’re ready to get started, don’t hesitate to get in touch


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