Don’t Forget to Celebrate YOU This Valentine’s Day

Whether you’re in a relationship, newly single, or you’ve been solo for a while, Valentine’s Day can be stressful. It’s intended to be a fun, love-filled holiday where we celebrate our relationships and the hope that’s found in our infinite ability to give and receive love. Despite these great intentions, Valentine’s Day ends up being a dreaded holiday for many people. If you’ve never had a great Valentine’s Day, it’s time to change that this year, and you don’t need anyone else to help you have the perfect day. In this blog, I’m going to talk through how we should all take time to celebrate ourselves on Valentine’s Day and all year long. 

Treat Yourself!

Valentine’s Day can raise some unrealistic expectations about our partners sweeping us off our feet with flawless bouquets of flowers and gorgeous jewelry or other elaborate gifts and grand gestures. Real talk – you’re a grown ass person, right? Gifts are great, but you don’t have to wait for someone else to read your mind and give you something you want. Have you been eyeballing a gorgeous set of earrings? Indulge. Treat yourself to something extra special. Even if you’re in a relationship, your partner may not know what you want or need or be able to get it for you, so treat yourself! 

Send Yourself a Valentine or Love Letter

Healthy relationships need good boundaries, and the best way to maintain healthy relationships and boundaries is to take care of yourself and take control of your own emotions. Send yourself a valentine with a note to remind you of how strong, brave, intelligent, and wonderful you are – with or without a significant other. You are a complete and exceptional person no matter your relationship status, so take time to celebrate that. If you’re ever feeling down about yourself or your relationships, pull the letter out and reread it as a reminder of how great you really are. 

Go on a Date with Yourself

An important part of maintaining healthy relationship boundaries is developing both shared and individual interests. You and your partner shouldn’t have all of the same interests, and that’s okay! Consider celebrating your unique interests and needs this Valentines’ day by making time to take yourself out on a date. Do something you love to do. Love sappy rom-coms? Schedule time to see one. There’s a ton on Netflix. Want an afternoon to relax? Plan a at home spa day/night for yourself. If you’re in a relationship, you can still make Valentine’s Day plans with your significant other, but taking time for yourself and your interests should still be a priority. 

Don’t Forget Friends & Family

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that was created to celebrate love. Not just romantic love. Actually, it started in the 400s as a commemoration of the date of death of Saint Valentine of Rome, a priest and martyr. There are many apocryphal stories about how this priest’s martyrdom got linked to romantic love. However Saint Valentine became the patron of courtly love, it stands to reason that the type of love this saint’s day was intended to celebrate was not necessarily what we think of today. Instead, it’s more likely this saint’s day is a celebration of the agape love, an unconditional, freely given adoration. We can feel agape love for our family and friends as well as our lovers. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, don’t forget to celebrate all of your loved ones on Valentine’s day. Send cards, pick up the phone and give your loved ones a call, or schedule a friend-date. 

Envision Your Ideal Partner

If you’re feeling lonely or really want to find love, don’t go out frantically seeking it just because it’s Valentine’s Day. Instead, celebrate the holiday by taking time to consider what you need and want in a relationship. Then, you can start actively looking for a person who is able to give you what you truly need in a relationship. Consider the answers to the following questions: 

  • Why do you want to be in a relationship? 

  • What would a relationship add to your life? 

  • Who is your ideal partner? 

  • What personality traits should you avoid in a partner? 

  • How can you create a relationship that is healthier or happier than past partnerships? 

  • What are your relationship “deal breakers?”

Talk to a Professional

Do your relationships always end in tragedy? Are you sick of feeling like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster in relationships? Consider talking to a professional about how to develop healthy relationship habits and create more fulfilling partnerships. I work with people every day who are ready for something real and meaningful, but they struggle to build a relationship that lasts. Let’s talk about your past, present, and future relationships and work toward creating a happier, more satisfying life, starting right now. Send an email or complete my online inquiry form to get started creating the life and relationships you deserve. 


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