5 Tips for Starting the New Year Off Right with Your Partner

For many of us, 2020 has been a long and difficult year. That difficulty may have translated into struggling relationships. Whether underlying conflicts were brought to the surface by close proximity during quarantine or being apart put a strain on your romance, this year has been a challenge for maintaining a healthy relationship. With 2021 just around the corner, you and your partner may be ready for a clean slate. It’s easy to use the changing of the year as an opportunity in all aspects of our lives to challenge yourself to grow, reset boundaries, and explore new options, and that includes our relationships. If you’re ready to set some new goals for your relationships in 2021, consider our top tips for starting the new year off on the right foot.

1 – Set New Year’s Resolutions Together

New year’s resolutions are a great way to challenge yourself to make a change in the new year, so it’s likely no surprise that setting relationship resolutions in the new year can also be beneficial. Even if your resolution is just to spend a little more time together (virtually or in person), setting an achievable goal is great way to build a stronger relationship. Keep your resolutions “SMART.” SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. When you set a new year’s resolution with your partner, make sure it meets these criteria. As an example, if you want to reduce stress on your relationship, instead of saying make time to “de-stress” together, a SMART resolution would be practice yoga together twice a week for two months, or have date night once a week on Fridays for three months. Then, put it on your calendar, commit to it, and intend to keep your promises, but remember, we’re only human. If/when something comes up, practice forgiveness and flexibility by adjusting your plan.

2 – Make Long-Term Plans

So you’ve set resolutions for 2021, but what comes next? For many people, 2020 was a wakeup call. Did you learn something about your own goals and priorities from the challenges of 2020? It’s time really plan for the life changes you’d like to see personally, professionally, and yes, romantically. Talk to your partner about the future of your relationship. If you’re not at this point in your relationship yet, talk about your individual long-term plans and whether or not they’re compatible. This can be a really enlightening conversation for growing relationships.

3 – Prioritize Your Relationship

If either the distance or close proximity were a strain on your relationship in 2020, consider making a promise to prioritize your relationship in 2021. You don’t need to do anything extravagant to put your relationship in the foreground. Simply, make time to talk every day even if it’s just a ten minute check in before work or after you put the kids to bed. You’d be surprised how much difference a small amount of focused, quality time together can make in maintaining a healthier and more satisfying relationship. Remember, even if you have problems to sort through (personal or relationship concerns), make time to express gratitude for your partner and show love.

4 – Take A Break

This may seem counterintuitive, but often, absence really does make the heart grow fonder. If you’ve been quarantining with your partner and/or kids and other family members, a break may be exactly what your relationship needs. Consider taking separate vacations this year. Girl’s trip anyone? Plan for a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday apart, so you can come back together and feel more gratitude and love. Did you quarantine apart? Consider an extended holiday together to reconnect and rebuild once it’s safe.

5 – Talk to a Professional

Whether you’re struggling in your romantic relationship, at the office, or just need a little help processing the struggles of 2020 and the upcoming challenges of 2021, I’d love to speak with you. I’m Ashley Pichardo, a therapist and young professional woman who understands and works through many of the same challenges my clients are overcoming. I most often partner with people who are looking to change and grow, feel empowered, and find their purpose and motivation in everyday life. If that sounds like something you’re interested in, let’s set some new year’s resolutions together. Get started quickly and easily by completing my new client inquiry form. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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